Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We are outraged!

This is a website for everyone who is absolutely fed up by the results of the primaries that were rigged by liberal supporters of B. Hussein Obama. It's clear that the liberal mass media is too liberal to give Hillary Clinton the fair shake that she deserves, so we have created this site as a way to fight back! We are sick and tired of being pushed around for simply liking the best candidate who is no longer in the race.

We wish that we could vote for Hillary in the fall election, but since we can't, we are going to vote for the next best thing: the other white person. This seems like the obvious choice to anyone who was a die-hard Democrat until Democrats stopped being white people, and we want to hear from you too! Let your voice be heard and stop being pushed around by the anti-Hillary bias that is sweeping America!

Though we never speak out when women lose the right to prenatal health care, legal protection from abuse, equal pay or easy access to birth control or abortions, we're speaking out now! And we are calling out all the women-haters who hate women like Hillary Clinton for simply being a woman. They hate feminists!

Well, we aren't going to stand for this. This is not the 'change' that we need. So we encourage you to vote for John McCain this fall and protect the rights of white women to be heard above the roaring mass of black liberal roarers that own the media and dominate the talk shows!

McCain in 2008!

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